Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Where are my little birds?

Last Summer I nailed a bird feeder to my back deck, and they all came, uh, pardon the expression, flocking: chickadees, redpoles, nuthatches, even Steller Jays. But, this Spring, my back deck is very quiet :( I put all their favorite seeds in the feeder, no predators, such as cats, can get up here, so, where are my wild, winged friends?
We've been hearing in the news about bees disappearing.
This morning I heard no cheerful wake up songs and even now, they are nowhere to be seen.
I am worried. What could this mean? Impending mondo earthquake? Massive Solar flare?
I am telling you, this is just not natural that the little wild birds that loved "Chez Chickadee" all last summer and thru the Winter, are not here now.

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