Friday, July 20, 2007

Thank you's

OK, I promised "Slogging Thru On-Line Surveys" and that will be up coming. But first I gotta practice what I preach.
I sent individual, personal e-mails to certain friends saying THANK YOU for the FWDs they send to me! Some folks see such things as "Bulk Mail Junk". Well, I don't, I feel happy to be included in my friends' lists. Those e-mails are at times Silly, Funny, Inspiring, Thought Provoking. So I told my friends how much those e-mails just "make my day".
It's sad really, Folks rarely bother to say thank you, yet don't waste a nano second saying how annoyed they are. Oh well, all that anger and negativity is their Gunny Sack of Sorrow to carry around, not mine.
So, you are wondering, if this gal says she refuses to carry that gunny sack, why does she seem to be obsessing about it? Perhaps I'm obsessing about it, only because I really want to get the message out. Maybe I'll cause some readers' eyes to open up and thereby help them to drop their Gunny Sacks.
Well, it is around noon here in Alaska Land, don't know what time of day it is wherever you are, so I'll just wish you a happy, blessed and peaceful Time :D

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