Friday, May 4, 2007

Happy Friday

I can hear the birds singing, not too far away, but they haven't come to my back deck yet :(
On other news, my son took me to the Mall where we had lunch; Korean dumplings, Sushi and some soup that was spicy and delicious! Then we went to the Aquarium store there in the Mall where my son bought an aquarium set for his Cichlid "Fat Tony" that has been living in a bowl. And he bought for me another gold fish. This one is a beautiful metallic gold Fancy Fan Tail, still on the small side so she wasn't very expensive. Madelyn (the Fan Tail) and Marty (the Bubble Eye) make quite a cute pair! Of course I don't know what sex each really is!
I laughed and remarked to my son, it seemed odd to be lunching on raw fish just before going to buy one for a pet LOL
The Aquarium Store had gotten in some more Bubble Eyes, but they were still "in quarantine" to make sure they were OK before putting them in the Tank to sell. In another 2 weeks or so my son will buy one of those Bubble Eye for me. I think that 3 fish in the Tank will be good.
I watched a movie tonight, "Collateral Damage". Good movie.
Don't know if I'll watch The Kentucky Derby this year. I really loved "Smarty Jones", talk about perfection in horse flesh. Won the first 2 races of The Triple Crown. I watched the video, the close up, on TV of the last race of the Triple Crown and I am convinced that the jockey on "Smarty Jones" was surreptitiously pulling back on the reigns, not flapping them, or whatever the word is, to spur the horse on. And THAT is why Smarty lost x(
And then, last year, that magnificent horse (darn I can't remember it's name) broke it's leg. All that really pisses me off.
On the other hand, it could be fun to watch The Derby this year to see Queen Elizabeth and all the pomp and ceremony that goes along with the Derby, with or without a Royal present. I love that stuff, Pomp and Ceremony and Fancy Hats!
So, when did wealthy parents, of Social Stature, stop teaching Class and Culture to their daughters? I am speaking, of course, of that Gauche Brat Paris Hilton. My gold fish have more Genuine Class than Miss Hilton!
It's bedtime, and let's see what Saturday, May 5th, brings! Cinco de Mayo!
Oh, BTW, May 5 is the one year Anniversary of my divorce. I get to share my Anniversary of Freedom with an entire Nation :D

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Where are my little birds?

Last Summer I nailed a bird feeder to my back deck, and they all came, uh, pardon the expression, flocking: chickadees, redpoles, nuthatches, even Steller Jays. But, this Spring, my back deck is very quiet :( I put all their favorite seeds in the feeder, no predators, such as cats, can get up here, so, where are my wild, winged friends?
We've been hearing in the news about bees disappearing.
This morning I heard no cheerful wake up songs and even now, they are nowhere to be seen.
I am worried. What could this mean? Impending mondo earthquake? Massive Solar flare?
I am telling you, this is just not natural that the little wild birds that loved "Chez Chickadee" all last summer and thru the Winter, are not here now.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Spring is here

Our days are warming up to the 50's, people are cleaning up their yards and the City has "Free Dump Days". SkiJor Teams go out to the trails to clean up the dog poop from a Winter of cross country skiing the trails with their dogs. Everybody in Anchorage gets in on the Spring Clean up: Scouts, families, Rotary, Corporate Managers!
You get a bright orange vest, a stash of bright orange heavy duty trash bags, all from the Municipality. Then you and your group go along the roads, the highways, the neighborhoods to pick up the trash. Just leave those filled bags along the roadside and the Municipality picks them up.
Really gives us a sense of Community here in Alaska. There's none of "....well that's not my job" when it comes to taking care of our beautiful City and our Wondrous State.
Today is a gloomy Spring day, maybe it will rain and wash away the soot and sand of Winter.
My hurtin' body sure tells me that the Weather is changing. Gardeners, who started their plants, flowers, vegies, indoors from seed, are beginning to set them out during the day to harden them off.
The general rule of thumb for planting is: the end of May or when the leaves on the Birch trees are the size of mouses ears!
There are mostly pussy willows along the back of where I live, and the soft little kittens are on the trees now. :)
Lunch time! L8TR G8TR