Well my friends, just finding good Surveys on line is a 40 hour a week job. Let me save you some time, OK?
Anytime, anywhere in the Ad the word CASH is spelled with a dollar sign, CA$H, flee! Flee to the Lake for safety! Anytime, anywhere the word FREE has an asterisk, like this, FREE*, head for the hills, run, run!!
SurveySpot is straight forward, kinda fun, usually hooks me up with what looks like legit Business Surveys. And the look of the Web is cute, lil' doggy paw prints.
TikTik cash can be at times OK and annoying. They send you an e-mail and sometimes you do get paid just for clicking onto an Ad and hangin' around long enough to make the computer believe you actually read the thing. Sometimes, however, once you click on the Ad in the e-mail, you have to actually sign up for something. Oh sure, "You can always cancel" as soon as you get the "whatever" at the Special Introductory Price and get good money for having signed up for the "Special Offer" but what a pain in the butt!
I am tellin' yunz, to make any kind of living from on line surveys is a full time 40 hour a week job!
I do it for fun, and hey if I really do win that "SuperPrize" of $$$$$$ well that's just frosting on the cake.
"PaidE-MailsFromGetPaidToTry" is only slightly less annoying than TikTik.
Vindale Research is good, I don't expect to actually get paid anything. But if you like the idea of being among those quoted by Talking Heads and Researchers on TV and Radio that, "......40% of Divorced Women over the age of 45 prefer.....", well, you get the idea.
Don't EVEN try to slog through winning a FREE* (there's that asterisk) : lap top computer, iPhone, luxury vacation, Gift Certificates for Target/Kmart/a Famous Restaurant or FREE* Gift Certificates of any kind.
Now, with some of the surveys that tell me I'll get money or points or whatever if I sign up for just one, or two, offers, I look for any offers of e-Newsletters. Yeah, my mail box gets filled with stuff and some of it is interesting. But I usually "unsubscribe" as soon as the first e-Newsletter arrives.
Opinion Outpost is another one that looks legit. Oh yeah, and Polling Point also looks to be serious.
OH yeah, with some of the Survey Sites that have pages of little boxes of offers for which you choose "yes" or "no", just scroll all the way to the bottom and you might find the option to SKIP, so do that, scroll and look for the SKIP before you spend time clicking on "No" several dozen times.
Not all the Offers are bogus. I am pleased with the "Learn a Language" CDs. But that's just me. There may be offers that you really want and that is cool. Just, as ALWAYS, with ANYTHING, read the Fine Print, taking the time to read the entire Survey Ad AND the "Terms and Conditions" will save you a LOT of time and Frustration later.
Well, in closing it is possible to make real Money, I can see that based on my experience so far. But it IS a lot of work, you will be spending LOTS o' hours at your computer. Yeah OK the upside is you don't have to get dressed, you can take breaks anytime you want, and, well, it's a pretty good hobby for insomniacs!
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