But Hy, these Webdings Are Cool! So, like, I send e-mails to my family to keep them up to date on news, you know. I send FWDs that are funny, inspiring, "Brighten yer day" sorta thing. Do I ever get a "thanks for brightening my day"? No. But let me send one itty bitty teeny FWD that I failed to pass by SCOPES for veracity, or something not PC and WOW do I hear about it, along with insults like, oh, hypocrite!
Folks just don't bother to say "Thank you" these days (oh Lawdy have Mercy am I channeling that old fart from 60 Minutes?)
As you may or may not know, I am certified Crazy. I find that rather "freeing". I mean, now when I say what ever pops into my head, however looney it sounds, friends and relatives just give that insincere I-Hope_she_isn't_going_ to Explode_a_Spleen look :D As RockHound said in the movie "Armageddon" "Embrace the insanity"!
So, I see my Psychiatrist the other day. We chat a bit. He asks me why do I think I'm doing the things I'm doing. DUH? I look this guy in the eye, I put on my best Madelyn Kahn Imitation and I say, "You went to Standford on a I-got-more-brains-than-god Scholarship, ditto George Mason, you been in this gig for 25 years, and YOU'RE asking ME?"!! I think that every time a Shrink or Therapist asks you that question, you know, "...what do you think about...." you should respond with, "MY fee is double whatever YOUR fee is, for answering questions" ROFLMAO!!
It is true that the EMTs and Firemen in this town are handsome hunks, but I gotta think of a better way to meet them than looking up from the floor after another attempt to immolate myself. Gotta love that word, immolate, I learned it from Mr Spock in that Star Trek Episode in which these 2 planets where fighting their war by computer, and if your town got "hit" you had to report to this place to get vaporized.
Am I really the only Original Trekkie in the Cosmos who really digs "Enterprise"?? Just when those idjuts decided to cancel the Show was around the "Star Trek History of the Future" timeframe of the beginning of the Romulan Wars. geeeeesh why did DS9 have all the glory, with The Dominion Wars?
Have I actually heard some say that they are getting burned out on all things Star Trek? Huh? For a True Trekkie, well, that's like looking for a woman who says "No, thank you, I've had enough chocolate, I really don't want another pair of shoes, I have all the handbags I need" !!
I just watched the DVD "Snakes on a Plane", loved the movie. It got me to thinking, all those things that law abiding AirLine Passengers are NOT allowed to carry on board are the very things that could have killed many of those snakes! Like, my aerosol can of hairspray and a Bic Lighter. Or, how about a few bottles of cologne, that would mess up those snakes' sense of smell for those pheromones. Pepper Spray?? Yup, our GuvMint forbids us law abiding folks from carrying around things, stuff, we can defend ourselves with, so only the Bad Guys have 'em! UH, Hello?
Oh, in case you're worried about my family getting pissed off because I am venting on this very public forum, don't. They never read my Blogs, never even read or contribute to the Family Home Page and Web Site I had set up so we could communicate.
Yup, it is true that sometimes the Best Family is the Friends you choose :D
yaaawwwnn time for my midnight snack then beddy by.
Next post will be Adventures in Slogging Through Get Paid to Take Surveys!!
So have a good day Webdings laugh alot decodethis if youcan!
Pebble (remember the contest to name the baby of Fred and Wilma Flintstone?)
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