Wednesday, March 10, 2010

[AlaskanIndependenceParty] Re: AIP 3 Point Plan

From a Yahoo Group Posting

Here's a slight revision:

1.) A-ssert Alaska Sovereignty!

2.) I-nsist on government accountability and transparency.

3.) P-romote sustainable infrastructure and resource R&D.

--- In, "J M" <johricmye@...> wrote:

 Here's an idea I hope we could promote during this election year and beyond. We need to choose about three major issues and present proactive constitutional solutions whenever and wherever possible. These three points(or other similar ones,
 not ranked in order)could be expressed and elaborated upon in public meetings and through the media, such as letters to the editor, blog comments or radio call in programs, and most definately by our candidates. This is something we can all do. WE ARE THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE! (If we want to be...) So here's the three points I believe the AIP, individual members, and candidates should actively promote. These are areas which might afford us various opportunities to work with other groups on an ad hoc basis. What do you think?
 1.) Continually assert Alaska Sovereignty in ALL possible areas and resist ALL unconstitutional/unlawful federal enchroachments upon our people, land and resources.
 2.) Promote sustainable resource and infrastructure research and development throughout Alaska to steward our environment, create jobs, benefit our citizens and further our society.
 3.) Insist upon full accountability and transparency of government and elected officials at all levels at all times.


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